Readers Theater: Knuffle Bunny Thoughts and Feelings
For this Readers Theater, Mrs. Schmidht and Mrs. Zawacki picked the books, and we ranked the books from one to five. There are five people in a group, so there was a possibility to be in the group the you liked the most. The five people in my group were Maddy, Matt, Maria, Taylnn, and me. I did many things for my group. I typed, wrote, and illustrated the drawings. I was one of the writers for the draft of the script. I thought about odeas for the script, and other people in my group approved it. It normally got rejected, because they thought my ideas were a little to boring. Afterwards, I figured out why my ideas were rejected. They were a little too boring. I was also a typer. The other typer was Maddy. While we were typing, Matt, Maria, and Taylnn were illustrating illustrations. They drew the pages with sticky notes. If an illustration has a sticky note, you illustrate that. I typed the "Part 1 of the Knuffle Bunny Script". After I finshed typing the script, I illustrated with my group. We had to do the same thing (illustrate), like the rest of the group.
There are many things I felt in this Readers Theater. I felt happy that I went to the Knuffle Bunny Group. I liked Knuffle Buny because last year when I was in FOCUS, I saw a Readers Theater from the 2009-2010 Thursday Fourth Grade FOCUS class. They did Knuffle Bunny 2. Matt's siter, Jenna, was in that Readers Theater. I thought if they can do it in fourth grade, why can't I do it. I also feel sad that I got rejected from my group. I thought that those ideas were perfect, but it maybe wasn't. I also felt sad that I have to illustrate an illustration. I am a better colorer than illustrater, but Matt told me that I have to illustrate. I think that Matt is a better illustrater from the last Readers Theater. I also can talk louder than the first Readers Theater. I think I have progressed a lot!
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