Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nun Fikshun vs Fiction

My personal opinion is that they are both good.Although I like making the pictures for a Non Fiction books because they are more challenging ,but I like how you can use voices in Fiction stories.What I also like about Fiction is that you can kind of create your own voice instead of using the voice of the animal or thing that it is,but in Non Fiction you learn sounds of animals that you have never heard before in your whole entire life.Also you learn about new animals in my case a chickadee.Aloughth  Fiction gives you funny animals with spikey hair and green skin.It is kind of like The Three Little Pigs retold by James Marshall.Even though people think that Fiction is more interesting then  Non Fiction but it is still worth a try because when I tried Non Fictoin I really liked it and now I don't read Fiction that much because I like reading about wars and important events in history.Non Fiction also helps you get a head start on education and it will help you get to a better colloge just like school.Although if you want to be an actress I think Fiction books will help with the voice that you need,but you need to pick the right book or it will give you the wrong voice for your part in the script.Although if you get the wrong book you might be better for a different movie or part in the script, but if you you can't find a movie or a part in a script you are out of luck.If I were you I would choose the won that you like the best but do not forget to try the other books.


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