Thursday, January 27, 2011

live chat with Melissa Stewart!

Today I just finished doing a video chat with an author. I learned that monkeys have a big part in chocolate by spitting cocoa seeds on the ground, creating more cocoa trees. That information will be in her upcoming book, No Monkeys No Chocolate coming in 2013. She got her inspiration for our reader's theater book when she was hiking and she saw salamanders swimming under the frozen pond. I hope that other teachers are inspired by this. Maybe they'll try to do it? I know that if I was a teacher, I would absolutely try to do this. She is such an amazing author. She might inspire me to be an author because she is a role model.
-Sadie M.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sadie,

    Guess what! While I was just writing notes to your class, I got some very exciting news. I found out that my book A Place for Frogs just won an award. It's called the Green Earth Book Award. I get to go to an award ceremony in Maryland in April. Wow, I'm really looking forward to that!

    Thanks for sharing my special news.

    Mrs. Stewart
