Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meeting the Aurthor!

Today I met with the author for our upcoming Reader's Theater presentation, Melissa Stewart. She's the author of many books, including When Rain Falls and  Under the Snow. It was pretty amazing to talk to her. She gave us tips for making Reader's Theater sripts. We also learned somethings about how she writes her books, like it took her 5 years to make Under the Snow! She told us that she always writes about something to do with science. She intreviews with sciencetist to help her write her books. I also learned that she writes many books at the same time! She published her first book in 1998, and she wrote books for 13 years. Some of her upcoming books are No Monkeys, No Choclate! and Under the Sun. I had a great time talking to Melissa Stewart!

1 comment:

  1. Ah-ha, Anushka you're a good istener and you have a godo memory. You're the only one so far who remmebered my upcoming book Beneath the Sun. I think it's coming out in 2013 too. If you like Under the Snow, I think you'll like Beneath the Sun too.

    All best,

    Mrs. Stewart
